Classroom Training
Introduction to Trucking
A two day introduction class on the proper operation of Trucks. Road Signs and Safety concerns are covered, as well as normal driving situations. We then have a Ministry of Transportation (MTO) mock test that we give to the student to make sure that they have the knowledge to succeed on the written test at the MTO.
Text requirement: The Official Truck Manual (Available at the Campus on loan with a deposit, Local Library, Chapters, or Canadian Tire.)
Air Brake Endorsement (Z)
Canadian Motor Vehicle Safety Standard (CMVSS) Bill 121 is a Canadian federal standard, which regulates air brake requirements on commercial vehicles. It insures that there are sufficient safeguards in place for a driver to be able to operate an air brake equipped vehicle safely, with provisions for emergency stopping in the event of a component's failure.
This is a hands-on twelve hour 2-day, course is taught in accordance with the requirements established by the Ministry of Transportation, and is offered through the Truck Training Schools Association of Ontario Inc.
Within the twelve hours the student will learn all of the content required to receive the air brake endorsement certificate. For ease of learning we have a wall mounted air brake system that hooks up to an air compressor and axle. The air brake system has been dissected so our students not only learn the system,they experience it.
The students will have theory and practical instruction. At the end of the 12 hour course the student will then be tested by a Truck Training Schools Association of Ontario official.
** Written and Practical Portions for the "Z" Endorsement will completed at Ontario Truck Training Academy during the above course. **
Commercial Driver Improvement Course - CDIC - Certificate
This is a classroom setting 8 hour course where defensive driving techniques are presented with the aid of various visual techniques. The course is designed to involve classroom participation with discussion on driving problems encountered by truck drivers on a daily basis.
Course content includes:
Module 1 - The Law (Legal Element)
- Rules and regulations that apply to commercial motor vehicle operation.
Module 2 - The Driver (Human Element)
- The human elements that affect our ability to drive safely include: attitude, mental state, complacency, physical well being, nutrition, sleep, vision, knowledge, etc.
Module 3 - The Vehicle ( Mechanical Element)
- Vehicle inspection, base vehicle control. factors that affect steering, stopping and handling.
Module 4 - The Environment
- Inside the vehicle, road surface conditions, traffic and weather conditions.
Module 5 - Driving Defensively
- Accident prevention, use of mirrors, signs and signals, passing, intersections, turning, expressway driving, and backing procedures.
Transportation of Dangerous Goods - TDG
During this course students will learn the aspects of transporting dangerous goods. Topics covered are; review of legislative requirements, responsibilities, classes of dangerous goods, labels and placecards, documentation requirements, and emergency response.
Log Book (Driver's Duty Status Record Book)
Students learn and understand the legal requirements for hours of work, and the documents required on the road based on the new 2007 Hours of Service regulations.
The student will learn to fill in the log books correctly, and learn to fill in the recap section.
Both Canada and U.S. content is taught.
Load Securement
During this program the student will learn safety issues, and cargo securement regulations. This course is designed to be hands on and theory. The student will learn how to tie down loads, and to evenly distribute the weight of the load.
Topics covered; general cargo securement requirements, commodity-specific requirements, load placement, axle spreading, enforcement policies, proper use of various tie downs on flat decks and van lines.
Pre-Trip Inspection
Students learn pre-trip inspection procedures in this hands-on seminar. The pre-trip is broken down into four sections; the inspection of the engine components, the air-brake system, outside of vehicle, and inside of cab. This course and inspection meets and exceeds the standards of the Ministry of Transportation requirements.
Trip Planning
This in depth classroom setting course focuses on portraying real life situations using indexing. The students will learn to use mapping to their full advantage, and how to map the best route possible.
Topics covered are; explaining interstate grids, city by-passes, how to read mile markers and exit numbers, solving practical routing problems, and estimating trip times.
Tractor-Trailer Driver Handbook / Workbook
This text book is the latest in curriculum for tractor-trailer driver training, complete with up-to-date compliance and regulation standards. This edition delivers not only the technical content the driver needs to know, but also teaches the procedures that, with practice, will enable the student to become a skilled driver.
This text book stresses the importance of developing the skills, traits and behaviors that characterize true professionals. Professional truck drivers must maintain safe standards throughout all facets of a trip, and this book provides the "must have" information new drivers need to stay safe before, during, and after a route. Coverage focuses on attaining and preserving safe standards throughout all aspects of a professional driving career, from securing one's load to hazardous materials handling, with helpful guidelines for maintaining a healthy lifestyle on the road.
The Text book is an easy-to-read writing style keeps the learning environment light and balanced. while full-color photos and compelling illustrations clearly demonstrate important transportation concepts
The Tractor-Trailer Driver Workbook/Handbook was written in cooperation with the Professional Truck Driver Institute (PTDI), and is endorsed by the Truck Training Association of Ontario.
Standard Transmission Training Course

This course is designed for students that want to enroll in the DZ or AZ license program and have no standard transmission experience. By taking this course the student will receive 3 lessons of 2 1/2 hours a piece on our state of the art simulator.
The sessions focus on shifting and clutching a standard transmission. After completing this program students will be able to move on towards complete their AZ or DZ Diploma Course.